Friday, March 1, 2013


What is truth?  Light,  knowledge, something that is, requardless whether people believe it or not?  In a world where realitivism has become the new religion, there doesn't seem to be much truth left. But I have found it from time to time, always accompanied by the spirit whispering to my soul that it is right, and an undisputable feeling in the center of my very being that what I have learned is true.

When I was little there were moments of light when I heard someone bear their testimony or listened to someone proclaim the doctrines of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and I knew what they said was true. Once in awhile I would get a shivering feeling, starting at my feet and running through my whole body, almost as if electricity ran through me. I knew instinctively that it was the Spirit, witnessesing to me that what I was hearing was truth.

Years later, thinking back on those moments, I started to second guess myself and wonder if maybe I had just been cold. I did not doubt my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ, just my ability to hear the Spirit. Once I began questioning, those moments stopped, which for a time added to my doubts. “See,” a little voice in my head whispered, “you were just a silly kid, imagining that you were feeling the Spirit.” It took me a long time to put two and two together and realise that it was my doubts and unbelief that was stopping me from feeling the witness of the Holy Ghost, not that He wasn't there.

I wish I could go back to the simple faith I had as a child. I wish I could return to accepting the witness of the Spirit as a matter of course, without questioning. Instead, I have been taught to question, to examine and ponder and make sure what I hear or read is truth. I suppose that is good; with so many lies and deceptions around us, being gullible in today’s world is dangerous. But it is imperative that I have faith, and believe that the Spirit will speak to me, or else I won't be able to recognize truth even if it hits me over the head.

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