Sunday, September 23, 2012

Still Waiting For Love

As the year wound to an end I still didn't know if Gene liked me or not.  We went out every four or five weeks, but that didn't seem to mean Gene was interested.  I figured I was just one of the girls on his list.  I sure didn't want to embarrass myself by letting on that I cared, so I played it cool and avoided letting anyone know how I really felt.  Perhaps I played it too cool, and Gene thought I wasn't interested.  Who knows?

We went to an adult ward party one Friday evening, sitting at the table with a number of my old young women leaders.  They seemed really excited about Gene and I, and it was fun to see the matchmaker gleam in their eyes.  But then Gene didn't call me for three weeks.

Next Gene asked if I'd like to go on a picnic after the Saturday Evening Adult session of Stake Conference.  We went with two other couples I'd never met.  The boys bar-b-cued hamburgers out on the desert, at Usury Pass Park.  After eating we played games on the picnic table and enjoyed the cool night air.  Driving home I reveled in the millions of stars overhead, the sparkling diamond lights of the city far ahead, and the smell of Gene's aftershave.  It was a glorious night, but ended without Gene mentioning going out again.

The second week of December was our ward Christmas Party.  Gene called me Saturday morning and asked if I'd like to go with him. 

"Sure," I said, hoping he wouldn't hear the excitement in my voice.   Again we had a fun time, but this was the night Gene tried to kiss me and I messed it up.  I already wrote a story about that, back in February.  If you've forgotten, look up "Oh What a Night."  It was so embarrassing, and disappointing.

I hoped and hoped Gene would ask me to the Single Adult Christmas Formal, but a couple of weeks before the dance I heard he'd asked someone else.  I always wondered if that was the end result of our disastrous kiss.  I was devastated.  That Saturday I went to the Single Adult dance feeling depressed and forlorn.  Would I ever have another chance with Gene?

I danced a couple of dances with a young man who seemed nice enough.  The dances were held in ASU Institute parking lot, and it was dark and loud, so I really didn't know what this kid looked like, but I was distracted enough that when he asked me if I'd like to go to the Christmas Formal with him I said yes.  He suggested going out before the formal, so we'd have a chance to get to know each other, and I agree. So the following weekend found me on a group date with this boy and a couple of his friends. 

We went to south Mountain for a picnic and to see the Christmas lights.  It was a pleasant evening, but I soon decided I wasn't really interested in any of the young men I was with.  On the way home the boys decided it would be cool to drive to Gilbert and see the reindeer farm.  It sounded like a pretty lame excuse for driving around in the dark, but since there were three couples and the other girls didn't object, what could I do? We ended up driving through downtown Gilbert.  I'd heard of it, but never been to this tiny place south of Mesa before.  It was very small, and I was not impressed, but that may have been because of my attitude.  For years after I considered Gilbert the 'arm pit of the state', and had no desire to return.  Funny how ironic life is.  Little did I know Gilbert would play such a huge part in my future life.

 By the end of this date I was really wishing I didn't have to go to the Christmas formal with this young man, but it was too late.  I borrowed a prom dress from my sister, not wanting to spend the money for a new dress, and my date gave me a lovely rose corsage, but that was the best part of the night.  I'm afraid I spent the entire evening watching Gene and his date, and feeling miserable.  It was so sad.

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