Saturday, February 25, 2012

One Cold Day!

Once the Lone Ranger walked into a bar to get a drink.  His faithful companion, Tonto, came with him.  It was a very cold day, and soon a cowboy walked into the bar and asked, "Mister, is that you silver horse tied up to the hitching post out front?"

"Yes, it is," answered the Lone Ranger.

"Well, sir, it's so cold your horse has ice cycles hanging from his nose."

"Oh, darn," the Lone Ranger said, looking longingly at his drink.  Tonto had already finished his glass, so the Lone Ranger asked him if he'd mind going outside and running around Silver as quickly as he could to warm him up.  Tonto was happy to help, so he went out to run around the horse.

Soon the ice cycles melted, so Tonto came back into the Saloon.

Not too long after, another cowboy came in, spied the Lone Ranger, and said, "Sir, if that's your horse standing outside at the hitching rail, he's getting so cold  his hoofs are freezing to the ground."

"I'll take care of it," offered Tonto, and he went back outside to run around Silver until he warmed up again.

When the horse was OK Tonto came back inside, but it wasn't long before a third cowboy came in to the Saloon.  "Hey, anyone who owns that horse standing at the hitching rail out front, it's so cold that his breath is freezing  his nose to the hitching rail.

The Lone Ranger looked at Tonto, who shrugged and went back outside to run around the horse.  Before he was able to warm Silver up a fourth cowboy walked into the bar.  He strode up to the Lone Ranger, looked him in the eye, and said, "Hey, Mister.  You left your injun running."

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