Sunday, February 12, 2012

Big Jake

Big Jake
Big Jake was older and bigger than the other men who worked at the plant. He was also quieter. While the other guys joked and played, Jake stayed by himself. He didn’t go bowling on league night, he didn’t go fishing or hunting, and during dinner, when everyone ate at the big table in the lunch room, Jake took his old black lunch box down to the far end and ate alone. Perhaps this was why the other men teased him. It was all good natured, but he seemed to end up the butt of a lot of practical jokes.

During the fall excitement ran high over the hunting season. Pete, Phil, and Tom were particularly excited. During the week prior to their hunting trip it was all anyone could talk about, especially since they had promised if they got their deer they would split it up among the men.

Monday morning no one could talk about anything else. The hunt had been successful, and like they promised, Pete, Phil, and Tom had brought the packaged meat with them to work in coolers. They were going to divide it among the men during the dinner hour. Everyone was excited, but mostly because of the practical joke the guys had planned for Big Jake.

When they butchered the deer they saved the ears, the hoofs, and the tail. They wrapped these up in a big package, which they were going to give to Big Jake. It was going to be so funny. They couldn’t wait to see Jake’s face when he opened his package and out fell those choice parts.

During dinner the guys began distributing the packages of meat. Each man got one, and everyone held their breath as the biggest was given to Big Jake, sitting down at the end of the table. This was going to be so funny.

They were all surprised when Big Jake stood up, though. Usually Jake didn’t say much. He cleared his throat and said, "Pete, Phil, Tom, I want to thank you for this meat." Everyone looked around and smiled, waiting for the joke. "I knew you wouldn’t forget me," Jake continued. "I know I don’t seem very friendly to you guys. I never go bowling or hunting or fishing with you, but that’s because my wife is an invalid, and after work I go home to take care of her and the kids." The guys looked at each other in dismay, but Jake continued. "And I know I don’t seem too friendly when I eat down here at the other end of the table, but you see, I’m a little ashamed for you to see what’s in my lunch box. Most of the time it’s just two pieces of bread with nothing between them, or sometimes, like today, it’s just a turnip. But tonight, thanks to the generosity of you men, my family is going to have a real dinner, and I want you to know how grateful I am."

The men sat around the table in stunned silence during this speech, but as Big Jake picked up his packet and began to untie it Pete, Phil, and Tom all dove to stop him. They didn’t make it in time, though. The string came untied, the paper fell off, and out fell the hooves, the ears, and the tail. It was supposed to be so funny. They were all going to laugh. But no one did. The worst part, though, was when Big Jake looked up and tried to smile.

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