Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Little Puppy Doggy

This is a story my mother used to tell us when we were little.  When I began babysitting as a teenager it was one of the stories I always told the kids.  When I became a mother I told this story to my children over and over, and now I tell it to my grandchildren.  It's short and simple, but for some reason it has stuck.

Little Puppy Doggy

One morning Little Puppy Doggy woke up bright and early. It was such a beautiful day that Little Puppy Doggy asked his mother if he could go outside to play.

"Sure," said Mother Puppy Doggy, "but don’t go out of our yard."

"I won’t", promised Little Puppy Doggy, and he ran outside to play. He ran and ran in the bright sunshine. He listened to the birds singing in the trees,  he chased butterflies and sun beams, and he tried to catch his tail.  Round and round in a circle he ran, calling, "Yip, yip, yip.  Yip, yip, yip."  Little Puppy Doggy was having so much fun!  Then all of a sudden, Little Puppy Doggy heard a new sound. It went like this. "Bzzzzzz, bzzzzzzz."

Little Puppy Doggy looked all around.  Suddenly he saw Mr. Bee.  He had come to play with Little Puppy Doggy.  Mr. Bee flew all around and Little Puppy Doggy chased him up and down and around in circles.  They played and played, and had a wonderful time, but after awhile Mr. Bee got tired, so he flew next door to Mr. Brown’s yard to rest in the shade of a big tree.

But Little Puppy Doggy wasn't tired!  He still wanted to play with Mr. Bee.  Little Puppy Doggy started to run next door to Mr. Brown's yard, but then he remembered what his mommy had said.  "Don't go out of our yard."

"I’ll only be gone a little while," Little Puppy Doggy thought. "Mommy won’t even know I left our yard."

So Little Puppy Dog ran next door. But Mr. Bee didn’t want to play anymore.  He was tired and just wanted to rest in the shade of the big tree.  Little Puppy Doggy started to chase Mr. Bee, but when he tried to catch him, Mr. Bee stung Little Puppy Doggy right on the end of his nose, and it hurt! Poor Little Puppy Doggy! He ran home to his house, crying "Yip, yip, yip!  Yip, Yip, Yip!  Mommy, mommy, Mr. Bee stung me on the end of my nose, and it hurts!"

Mother Puppy Dog came outside and looked at poor Little Puppy Doggy.    "Little Puppy Doggy, did you go outside of our yard?" asked Mother.

"Yes, I did," said Little Puppy Doggy.   "I’m sorry mother. I promise I won’t ever do it again."

"I know you won’t," said Mother Puppy Doggy. Then she went and got some cold mud to put on the end of Little Puppy Doggy's nose to make it feel better.  And do you know what? Little Puppy Doggy always remembered to do what his mother told him to do after that.

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