Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ruined Lipstick

This is a story I heard many years ago when I was a teenager.  I wish I knew who wrote it so I could give them credit, but I've never been able to find it since.  The title was different, and I'm sure I don't have the story exactly right, but this is the way I remember it.  I'm going to break the story up into a couple of different installments, because it is long.  Hope you enjoy it. 

Ruined Lipstick
Kristi walked into her bedroom and knew immediately that Tommy, her little five-year-old brother, had been messing with her stuff again. Her dresser drawers were half-way open and her jewelry box lid was on crooked.

"That little monster," she huffed as she walked over to her dresser to see what he had destroyed this time. It seemed like no matter how hard she scolded Tommy for getting into her things he just couldn’t keep himself away from Kristi’s bedroom.

"This time he’s really in for it!" Kristi exclaimed when she saw the new tube of lipstick she had just bought lying on a corner of the dresser. "If he’s opened this I’m going to kill him!" But sure enough, when she opened the tube she saw that the new, smooth tip was now pushed down and dented. He had played with it!

Angrier than she had been in a long time, Kristi stormed into Tommy’s bedroom. At first she didn’t think he was there, but then she saw his closet door move a little. She grabbed the handle and threw it open. There was Tommy, hiding in the corner of the closet, a big red streak of lipstick smeared across his forehead.

"Tommy, I hate you!" shouted Kristi. "You went into my bedroom again, and you ruined my new lipstick!"

Tommy’s lip quivered as he looked up at his big sister. "I’m sorry Kristi," he whispered fearfully. "I was playing Indian and I needed some war paint. I didn’t mean to ruin your lipstick."

"Well you did!" shouted Kristi. "It was brand new and now I can’t ever use it again!"

"I’m sorry," sobbed Tommy, "I’m really, really sorry."

"Well I don’t believe you," Kristi yelled. "I’ve told you and told you to stay out of my stuff and you don’t ever listen. You’d better stay out of my way from now on, because I don’t ever want to see you again!" And with that, Kristi stamped out of Tommy’s room, slamming the door behind her. She felt a little bit bad about yelling at Tommy so much, especially since he had cried and said he was sorry instead of yelling back, but he was so annoying, and he wouldn’t stop getting into her stuff. He really needed to learn a lesson, and if it made him cry then maybe he would remember from now on!

-to be continued-

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