Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Lost Princess - part 3

continued from yesterday.....

As the evening came to an end, the princess saw a flash of yellow. She looked up and saw her pet canary flying down the hall that led to the balcony. This canary was her special friend. He lived in a golden cage in her bedroom, though he often flew around the palace. Now he landed on the princess’s shoulder and tweaked her ear, almost as if he were giving her a kiss.

"Canary," the princess laughed in delight. "I’m so glad you came. Now you can see all the lovely dancers. Aren’t they beautiful?"

"Yes," answered the bird, who knew how to talk very well. "It looks like it has been a wonderful party."

"Oh, it has!" sighed the princess. "I have seen so many pretty dresses and handsome men. And look, the dragon is here tonight, too. Doesn’t it look magnificent"?

"Yes," answered the canary. "But I would rather not have to look at it!"

"Why,’ she wanted to know. "Don’t you like the dragon?"

"No, I do not," said the bird. "That dragon is as cunning and selfish a creature as there ever was."

"But why did my daddy let it come to the ball, then?" the princess asked.

"Because your father is wise and fair," answered the bird. "He allows everyone the right live in his kingdom."

"Oh," answered the child, a little uncertainly.

"I see you are wearing a new pendant," the canary remarked, changing the subject. "It looks very lovely with your pretty new frock."

"Thank you," beamed the princess as she smoothed her yellow satin skirt and then fingered the necklace. "Daddy gave it to me this morning. See, it has my name engraved in the gold.  He gave it to me so I wouldn’t be sad that I couldn’t go to the dance tonight. It won’t be long before I’m old enough to join them, though."

The bird tuned his little head on it’s side and looked at her sadly. "You are right, soon you will be old enough to go to dances, and too old to play with a pet canary any more."

"I’ll never be too old for you!" the child assured him as she ruffled the soft yellow feathers under his chin. "I love you."

continued till tomorrow..........    (am I making the parts of the story too short?)

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