Monday, February 4, 2013

Moving Moe In

Moe and I had a lovely honeymoon at Kohl's Ranch, even though it wasn't very long. We drove over to the cabin before coming home on Friday so we could put anti freeze in the pipes and look around. The more Moe saw of the place, the more he liked it. There were lots of deer and elk signs, which got him excited about hunting there.

Moe had to work on Saturday, so I spent the day cleaning and redecorating. I drove over to Moe's old house, thinking I'd bring some of his stuff home with me, hoping to make our house feel at least a little more familiar to him. It wasn't easy, but by removing the back seats from my van I was able to stuff in his favorite leather recliners.

There was a rustic, wooden sign with Bobby Dog Claim burned into the wood hanging on his wall. Moe had made it years earlier, when hunting and panning for gold had been his favorite hobby. That will make him feel at home, I thought as I carefully took it down.

The hard part was figuring out where to put everything. My house was not expensively decorated, but it wasn't exactly rustic, either, nor did it lend itself to brown leather furniture. By rearranging my living room I was able to fit his chairs in, and I hung the Bobby Dog Claim sign right over the door. Hopefully, it made the room look more like a den.

The other big change I made was in our bedroom. You see, I'd had a ball decorating my bedroom with curtains, bedspread, and bed-hangings made from bright pink, orange, and yellow flowered sheets. I'd even made a rectangle out of PVC pipe , suspended it from the ceiling, and used it to create an imitation four-poster bed. I thought it was lovely and all of my friends were jealous, but I'd never considered how un-masculine it really looked. Poor Moe. The first time he saw my bedroom his eyes got kind of big and he said, “Flowers? Do you really expect me to sleep in a flowered bedroom?” Although I hated to do it, I figured the least I could do was take down the flowered bed-hangings and change the curtains to solid blue.

The kids were kind of surprised to see the changes when they came home from their dad's on Sunday. They were good sports, though, and it didn't take long for us to get back to normal and settled down, at least for the kids and me. It must have been very strange for Moe, though, living in a new home with a wife and five children. He sure was a sweetheart, and loved us regardless of our being cross and cranky in the mornings and loud and noisy at night.

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