Tuesday, September 24, 2013

My Glasses

I had a whole list of projects to do in our yard today, starting with digging out my compost pit, cutting down the low growing branches behind it, and I clearing an area where I could plant a baby apple tree I'd raised from a seed.

It wasn't long before my glasses got smudged and dirty, making them glare in the sunshine until I couldn't see. Not wanting to stop work long enough to take them to the house, I put my glasses on top of my head and kept working.

It was a couple of hours later when I suddenly realized that my glasses were not on my head. Hopelessly I retraced my steps, searching everywhere I'd worked, but the glasses were not there.

Maybe they fell into the compost pit when I was digging and were buried with mulch. Maybe they fell as I dug the hole for my apple tree and were covered up with dirt. Maybe they fell into the fire I built to burn up the branches I'd cut down. Maybe they just fell off as I was walking, raking, and pulling.

“Heavenly Father,” I plead, “please help me find my glasses. I really need them, and we don't have the money to buy another pair.”

I retraced my steps again, hoping the Lord would prompt me to know where to look. This time I used the rake to move dirt around, I pulled up and looked under stuff, and walked around everywhere I'd been, but still no glasses. Finally, I gave up.

About this time I remembered that I needed to run into town to go to the bank, so I decided to take a break for a little while. When I got back I went back to work. The branches I had been burning were just smoldering ash and cinders by this time, so I took the rake and moved them around, thinking I might find my glasses melted in the ashes, but they weren't there.

“Oh, well,” I sighed. “I guess it's not thy will for me to find my glasses, Father. But, if it is, would you please help me, because I just don't know where else to look.”

Dejectedly, I picked up the rake and headed towards the barrel behind Moe's shop, where we keep shovels and rakes and hoes and stuff. Suddenly, right there in the middle of the path between my garden and compost pit, I saw my glasses. I couldn't believe my eyes. They were laying right there on the dirt, exactly where I'd walked a dozen times while I was searching.

“Thank you, Heavenly Father,” I exclaimed, and then had to repeat, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Whether I'd walked back and forth over my glasses without seeing them, or whether the Lord moved them to a place where I could find them, I'll never know. But this much I do know. I was sure happy that Heavenly Father helped me find my glasses!

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