Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Fixing My Hair

You know your girls are growing up when they start doing their own hair.  I used to love to fix my five daughters hair, but at some point each one of them decided they were tired of having me do it, and they took over that responsibility for themselves.  I was nice to not have to spend the time, but I missed making them look cute, and I sometimes had to bite my tongue when they didn't look as good as I wanted them to.

I remember when I learned to fix my own hair.  I was eight.  Mom had begun pulling my hair back into a ponytail, them curling in into a bun.  I thought I was really cute with my hair fixed that way.  One day I tried doing my hair myself.  It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, and I was sure proud of myself.  I told Mom I thought I would fix my hair by myself after that, and she smiled and told me "OK".  That really made me feel grown up.  After a few weeks I actually got pretty good at pulling my hair up and pinning it into a bun, but for awhile there the bun was kind of lopsided, and often too far over to the left side.  Mom never told me it looked bad, though.  She was a smart mother.  She understood, and hopefully I learned from her, that a mother's job is to teach her children to not need them anymore, even if it makes us kind of sad for awhile.

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