Monday, November 21, 2011

The Story Lady

Hi, I'm Gale, and I like to tell stories.  When I was a little girl mother used to listen while I told her about movies I had been to see, dreams that I had, or stories I heard at school.  She was patient and a good audience and she made me feel like I was a pretty good story teller, so I kept on talking.  As I grew older and became a school teacher I had the chance to tell stories every day, and it became one of my favorite things to do. 

My kids will tell you that I tell too many stories, they used to roll their eyes each time I would begin a new one, but they were sweet enough to listen anyway and I think they enjoyed most of them. 

The other day I decided it was time to write down some of my favorite stories.  I would like my grandchildren to hear them, and someday my great grandchildren, too.  I have no idea how many stories I know, but I wondered if I there were enough to fill a blog, at least for awhile, and I would like to share them with you, too.

So I'm going to try to write a story every day, or at least part of a story every day.  Some are quite long so they may have to be in installments.  If you enjoy them, I'm happy.  If not, you're lucky, because you can just stop reading.  My poor kids still have to keep listening to me.  It's a good thing they love me.


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