Monday, November 21, 2011

Their Heavenly Reward


Did you ever hear about the elderly couple who died and went to heaven?  St. Peter met them at the Pearly Gates and welcomed them in, then told them to follow him and he would take them to their eternal reward. 

He led them down a beautiful tree lined street, past mansion after mansion, until at last he stopped in front of one of the most beautiful estates in heaven. 

"This is your eternal reward," he told the couple.  "Would you like to come in and see it."

"Boy, would we!" they both delared. 

So St Peter walked them up the flower lined walk, past ornate gardens and fountains borded with tall trees and lush grass.  The front doors of the mansion were solid gold, and St. Peter pushed them open and led them inside their new home.  Their were hundreds of rooms inside, all filled with beautiful art, antiques, and wonderful furnishings.  Each room they examined caused the couple to oooohhh and ahhhhhh, until they came to the jacuzzi room next to their huge bedroom.  When they saw it the wife had to sit down and catch her breath, neither of them could believe what they were seeing. 

After examining the entire house St.Peter told them to follow him outside to see the wonders of their back yard.  Beyond the pool and tennis courts they could see an 18 hole golf course waiting for them to come play. 

When he saw his own golf course, the elderly man turned to his wife in frustration and exclaimed,  "Darn you Mable!  If it hadn't been for your bran muffins we could have been here 10 years ago!"

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