Saturday, April 27, 2013



In youth, mom spoke Swedish and played with her siblings.
Lighting sparklers in the bath tub, adding vanilla to the soup,
Punching Elizabeth, helping sweeten bread, and obeying Egon.
Nights were spent with Mormor so she wouldn’t be alone.
Because that’s who mom was.
She loved her family.

In Mesa, she acted in plays and learned in school.
Spending summers in Groom Creek, she fell in love with Ralph’s blue eyes.
Being teased about a picture under her pillow, she dreamed of true love.
She learned to be a loving wife and companion.
Because that’s who she was.
She loved her sweetheart, Ralph.

As mother, she mended cuts, dried tears, and stopped fights.
With, “When I was a little girl,” she taught life’s important lessons.
She listened to our dreams, laughed at our silly jokes, and enjoyed our loud music.
She waited up talk to us when we came home at night
Because that’s who she was.
She loved us, her children.

In Primary, Young Women, Relief Society,
She led graciously, worked tirelessly, and served humbly.
She taught special lessons, prepared inspiring talks, gave loving service.
She brought a smile and the spirit to all she met.
Because that’s who she was.
She loved all of her sisters.

She drove friends to the doctor, took food to the sick,
She visited shut-ins, she took piano lessons from a lonely widow.
Mom took care of her family, her parents and in-laws, and her grandchildren,
Never too busy, tired, or sick to help us.
Because that’s who she was.
She loved everybody.

She froze to death and fixed her own hair in Germany.
She sacrificed art, books, even TV to serve in the temple.
She changed her work-room into a special place for dad to give blessings
So she could support him in his callings.
Because that's who she was.
She loved serving the Lord.

Now she is serving another mission,
A gracious, elect lady, the light of Christ shining in her eyes.
One day she will stand with confidence in God’s presence,
A loving daughter, a humble servant, a friend.
Because that’s who she is.
And our Father loves her.

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