Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Having Babies

Having babies was easy for me, and I really loved it.  I'm a 'wanna be' hypochondriac at heart.  I love being the center of attention but I don't want people to think I'm faking sick, so I avoid going to the doctor or complaining about aches and pains.  Does that make sense?  When I was having a baby, though, I didn't have to say or do anything to get people to notice me.  It just came naturally.  And it was so nice.

Friends, family, and even acquaintances fussed over me when I was pregnant.  My husband treated me differently, too.  Not for the first nine months, mind you, that was too long and he soon got used to me being pregnant.  But when it was actually time to have the baby he got real attentive.  Add to that the doctors and nurses working to take care of me, encouraging, fussing over, and then complimenting me for doing such a good job, and it was pretty heady stuff.

And then the babies were just so darned cute!  There's nothing in the world to compare with the pain, agony, exhaustion, and work of bringing a child into the world, and then to have that little person put in your arms and the shear joy, love, and gratitude you feel, holding that baby and knowing it belongs to you.  At that moment all the bad stuff before becomes worth it. 

I was blessed to have easy pregnancies and deliveries.  I've often felt guilty, since most women have such a hard time, and some sacrifice so much to bring children into the world.  I may have been uncomfortable, but I never almost died. 

I was only in the hospital for two hours before Linnea, my first baby, was born.  That was partly because I didn't recognize that I was in labor, but if it had been rough like it is for most first time moms, I'm sure I would have gone sooner.

When Holly, my second baby was born, it was just as easy.  I went to a Primary Preparation Meeting the night she was born.  I really didn't feel like going, but it was a special Christmas meeting and I was supposed to bring some of the refreshments, so I went.  I was glad once I was there.  We had a testimony meeting, and the spirit was very sweet.  Still, I didn't feel good the whole time and wondered if I was starting to go into labor.  I got home about 8:30 and told Sheldon I thought this was it.  We called mom and dad and they came over.  Dad helped Sheldon give me a blessing, then they took Linnea home to their house. I packed my bag, called the doctor, and headed down to the hospital about 10:00.  Holly was born a couple of hours later.

She was so beautiful.  She had curly black hair and blue eyes and almost looked like a little Indian baby.  Linnea just loved her.  Anytime Holly cried Linnea got upset and made me come see what was the matter.  She was so anxious about her baby sister that one day when I left Holly lying on the bed while I went to get her a new diaper, Linnea tried to pick her up to make her feel better.  Holly ended up on the floor, but Linnea was more heart broken and upset than she was.

Just a little over a year later I was blessed with another baby, only this time a boy!  Russell was born right before Christmas, and he was the easiest baby I ever delivered.  I started having light labor pains early in the morning, but I thought it was probably false labor.  I was supposed to have a doctors appointment that afternoon, but about 9:00 I called to see if I could come in early.  My doctor was scheduled for surgery at 12:30, so his nurse said it would be a good idea to come on in.  It was 10:30 when the doctor saw me, and he immediately sent me straight to the hospital.  I couldn't even go home to get my suitcase!

I called Sheldon at work and told him to meet me at the hospital, then drove myself over and checked myself in.  It was about 11:45 when they got me settled in the delivery room and my doctor came.  I still wasn't having very hard labor.  The doctor wanted to hurry this baby along since he had an operation to get to, so he started me on pitocin to speed things up.  Usually that makes a woman labor faster, but for me it made the pains stop completely!  I was so surprised.  I was fully dilated and ready to deliver, so the doctor told me to push whenever I wanted, so I did, and the baby just came!  It was so easy! 

Russell was the sweetest baby you ever did see.  I loved Linnea and Holly before they were even born, and adored them the second they were put in my arms, but something was different when Russell was born.  I've heard there is a special bond between daughters and fathers, and I think there must be something special between mothers and sons, too.  I had the sweetest, tenderest feelings as I held my new little son in my arms.  Perhaps it had something to do with remembering Mary, holding her new little baby boy on the first Christmas, but oh!  how I loved my little Russell!

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