Thursday, June 28, 2012

Really Digging Into the Scriptures!

Well, I made it back from girls camp this morning, just in time to post a few stories before turning around to go down to the valley to be with my daughter who is ready to have a new baby.  I'm going to post three extra blogs today, enough to take us through till Sunday.  If I'm not back by then I'll have to write some extra stories after I get home.  I am still trying to keep up with one story a day. 

When Dad was Bishop of our Ward, he and his councilors challenged every family to read the entire Book of Mormon during the summer one year.  We were busy that summer, and by the time Labor Day came, we still hadn’t finished.  Of course, Dad and Mom were determined that our family would complete this goal, so we read while we went up to the cabin.
That year Dad needed to dig out the sewer again because the sinks were not draining right.  On Monday morning, he uncovered the sewer and began to dig.  Mom made the rest of us sit around the hole, and we read aloud from the Book of Mormon.  It was a warm morning.  Bees buzzed, flies hummed, birds called in the trees, but we read.  It was hard to concentrate on what was happening in the scriptures as we were surrounded with the beauties of the forest, but we continued to read.
It took Dad a long time to dig out that hole.  Even with help from the boys, Dad was stiff and sore when he finally decided the sewer was deep enough.  Our bottoms were stiff and sore, too, from sitting on the logs we had placed around the hole.  Our throats were sore and our voices were scratchy from reading aloud.  Still, it felt good to know that as a family, we had completed our goal.

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